So I really think the Coffee and Cigarettes poster is gnarly!
I really love fore ground/ background pieces. My 2nd business card while still in school had my name done with what was my 1st try at a foreground/background piece.
Part of the piece I'm referring to is on the left.
Since it was my 1st try, you can see my version is not as clear cut as the poster, which is what generally makes the foreground/background piece so tight, smart and elegant to look at. Even so, I ended up carrying the concept threw to most of my identity and it worked.
The execution of this piece on the Coffee and Cigarettes poster seems so natural and flawless. Unlike mine, it is clean and simple.
The image is from Piccsy.
Another neat example I recently ran into on the web is the Snow White Macslap decal on Etsy.
Snow White has fallen from the trickery of the Wicked Witch..and the description says .. She's taken a bite of your MacBook Apple! I thought is way neat in a non-cheesy way. Check it out yourself.
Snow White Macslap
Piccsy has a great collection of art and photographs, free to browse, but an invite is required to post and submit your own images. It is a site that has a large number of ‘erotic’ images, so if you are of a puritanical disposition, best walk away now.