Inferno's champagne room vip?
Posted by Mj Monk
10:07:00 AM
Little Quizes???
I love Biographies. Always have. I don't really even like reading fiction too much, and reading an interesting person's life story can be great nonfiction. I love reading a interesting personal quote thats unexpected. Recently while using the biography channel as background noise, I heard of Bobby Kennedy's favorite quote being from Dante's inferno. Something about "the deepest depths of hell & neutrality". I tossed my ibook aside & listened for more. Unfortunately, all I got was an inspiring story about how b.Kennedy suddenly took on the civil rights cause after tragedy was befallen on 2 him after a life of privilege.
Is being neutral or open minded a bad thing? As a kid, my summer's were spent in a 3rd world country, been to both the Caribbean & Europe more than once. I was even the only American girl in my 5 girl dorm apartment, the 1st time I went to college. I always subconsciously felt that 2 enjoy alot of these experiences, you had 2 personally own a little open mindedness. Looking at it again though, maybe it just might be the other way around.
I'm not against reviewing opinions in life that i hold or have held. I'm not a republican, so you can't scare me with the flip-flop tagline. Was this a trait I should not be so proud of as a start 2 mature intellectually? hhuumm... Well, 1st things first, you know, -maybe I'm not so bad. So the first stupid quiz regarding the matter I saw, I took. This was my result:
You Are 84% Open Minded
You are so open minded that your brain may have fallen out!
Well, not really. But you may be confused on where you stand.
You don't have a judgmental bone in your body, and you're very accepting.
You enjoy the best of every life philosophy, even if you sometimes
contradict yourself.
How open-minded are you?
Pretty funny stuff huh? Well, I could have let that get to me, if I gave a shit, but instead I looked up the original quote that started this. It said this:
"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis."
Dante Alighieri
See that,.. it said "neutrality in times of moral crisis" that's not me,
I'm totally in the clear ....At least for that! ha